martes, 21 de junio de 2016

reflections about the strike

Write about the strike is very hard for me, mainly because in my school no one spoke me about these issues. We were worried about the heating of classrooms, improve the quality of the toilet paper or the place of our study tour, and that seemed very important for me at the moment. (that’s embarrassing now that I think about it)

When I entering this university I felt ignorant on the subject of student demands, I didn’t knew the reasons for the strikes and even I was very angry for the fact of not having classes. In fact, the last year I was consulting at the pontifical catholic university the procedures that needed to do to change my university. (at the end I didn’t do that because that week we returned to classes)

The only thing that I know, is that students are fighting to get a free and a good quality education, which the president promised and still doesn’t.

My reflection from the strike is that I should get more involved, because it is something that concerns all of us, as students and citizens. Painfully the participation on the strike is too low actually, and it makes me feel guilty … 

jueves, 16 de junio de 2016

my blog experience

Personally write a blog wasn’t one of my favourite activities for this subject, especially by the fact of have to comment on my classmate’s blogs or have a words limit, because sometimes a got inspired and I write almost the double of what I had to. However, I think that the blog works very well as a strengthening. I learned a lot of new words from different topics.

 in my opinion my writing skills have not developed too much. It is true that write something takes me less time that before, but constantly I have to use a dictionary and look up words that I don’t know (maybe it’s too dreamy to think that someday I will not need a dictionary to write something, but I’m working on it)

in the future I would like to do more pronunciation exercises and maybe do the same thing that we do on the blogs, but unwritten (I don’t know if I’m explaining myself very well), something like a video blog, but that is more complicated because we would have to record a video and upload it, so it would be a little bit tedious.

If we keep doing blogs, I would like to write emails, thinking on our profession, something like asking for an interview, asking for press accreditation for any event, things like that. 

martes, 14 de junio de 2016

my favourites subjects of my career (journalism)

Regrettably the subjects of this semester are not my favourites. I would say that until now my favourite subject is workshop reporter, but it belongs to the second semester. I liked that subject because we had to do reporting in all the sessions, and write about that. The most interesting thing was that the professor choose the theme that we were going to report, sometimes this was good and bad at the same time, because some themes were harder to report than others, so it wasn’t fair.

In this semester my favourites subjects are "derecho a la información" and English. The first is about laws that we need to know to practice as journalists, as freedom of expression and opinion laws, press freedom and the practice of journalism. I think that this subject is very useful for us as journalists, and I like it because I’ve been interested on the law career and those topics since i have 10 years old. It must be because almost everyone in my family are lawyers.

And last but not least is English. I like the idea of learn many languages as French, Portuguese, Turkish (because i love the TV series "Suleiman the Magnificent" and "Kosem") or Chinese, but my favourite language is English, because it reaches a lot of people, more than Spanish language (maybe I’m wrong). But my greatest fear in classes is speak, because I’m always thinking that I’m going to pronounce something wrong and that I’m going to sound like Sofia Vergara. 

miércoles, 8 de junio de 2016

Webquest 2

Part 1- Calculate my carbon footprint!

  1. What’s your carbon footprint ? 3.78 tonnes per year
  2. What’s the average carbon footprint of a person? The average carbon footprint for people in Chile is 3.87 tonnes and The average worldwide carbon footprint is about 4 tonnes

Part 2 – recycling quizzes

  1. Hand washing dishes can use up to 50% more of water than using an efficient dishwasher.
  2. Only about 8 % of global energy comes from renewables.
  3. True or false? Appliances that are turned off don’t use any electricity. false
  4. Can you make paper out of hemp? Yes, and also you can make paper with panda excrement and sheepskin.

Part 3- Top 3 tips for recycling

  1. Reuse the bags, for example carry an organic bag each time that you go to the supermarket
  2. Squash plastics bottles
  3. Buy food with minimum of packaging

martes, 7 de junio de 2016

Webquest 1


Entrance Fee
Tube Station
Travel Zone
10:00 AM
The British museum
Tottenham court road
Zone 1

4:00 PM
London eye
Zone 1
10:00 AM

Tower of London
Tower hill
Zone 1

4:00 PM
Tate Britain (The Tate Modern Art Gallery)
Zone 1
10:00 AM
Natural history museum
South Kensington
Zone 1

4:00 PM
Science museum
South Kensington
Zone 1
Kew garden
Kew Gardens Station
Zone 3


10:00 AM
National gallery
Charing Cross
Zone 1

4:00 PM
Somerset house
Charing Cross
Zone 1
12:00 AM
Camden Market
Camden town
Zone 2


10:00 AM
Stamford bridge stadium
Fulham Broadway
Zone 2

4:00 PM
Madamme tussauds
Zone 1

Total Costs

martes, 31 de mayo de 2016

the woman that inspires me

As I told you before I never thought that I was going to study journalism. I’m not saying that I never liked journalism, but I didn’t saw it as an option to study.  That’s why I don’t know too much about journalists.

When entering college, the whole journalism issue seemed to me very far, but since I meet Faride Zeran I felt inspired, I felt like I wanted to be journalist.  She is a very smart person, and you can notice that since the moment that she starts to talk.

She is daughter of two Arab immigrants. They arrived to the city of Puerto Natales. Alia Faride Zeran moved to Santiago to study journalism at the university of Chile and in 1974 was exiled to Argentina, where she meet his husband, and after that she moved to Venezuela. She founded the institute of communication and image and in 2007 she won the national journalism award, in addition to other awards.

I admire her because I like his personality, she says things as they are, aboveboard, I like how she sees journalism and the role of journalists and also I like her writing job, but most of all I choose to write about her because she inspires me , (although I fell that she hates me hahaha).

martes, 24 de mayo de 2016

Since childhood I love to cook, in fact, when I was in my first year of high school I wanted to study gastronomy. At that time I cooked tasty meals almost every single day, such as cakes, pastries, pizzas, bread, sandwich cookies, Chinese Food and Chilean food, but Italian food it’s my favorite.

When I have free time I make pasta and sauces, because I don’t like the taste of packaged foods, so I have a small garden in my house where I cultivate coriander, red peppers, paprika among other spices and herbs.

Vegetarian lasagna it's my favorite food!, to make it I use soy meat, fresh tomato sauce, onion, carrot, and lots of cheese. Unfortunately I do not cook it very often because it takes so much time. I usually cook lasagna when I'm with my boyfriend because it is his favorite food too.

The first step is to soak the soy meat with seasonings and salt for about three hours and then I remove the excess of water. While the meat is soaked i prepare the dough with flour, salt and eggs. after that I mix the onion, carrots, pepper and a little garlic and finally add the soy meat and the tomato sauce.

The last part is the easiest, in a bowl with olive oil I put a base of meat, on top of that y add cheese and over a sheet of pasta. I follow these same steps 3 times and I put the bowl in the oven for 45 minutes. And voilà!