jueves, 16 de junio de 2016

my blog experience

Personally write a blog wasn’t one of my favourite activities for this subject, especially by the fact of have to comment on my classmate’s blogs or have a words limit, because sometimes a got inspired and I write almost the double of what I had to. However, I think that the blog works very well as a strengthening. I learned a lot of new words from different topics.

 in my opinion my writing skills have not developed too much. It is true that write something takes me less time that before, but constantly I have to use a dictionary and look up words that I don’t know (maybe it’s too dreamy to think that someday I will not need a dictionary to write something, but I’m working on it)

in the future I would like to do more pronunciation exercises and maybe do the same thing that we do on the blogs, but unwritten (I don’t know if I’m explaining myself very well), something like a video blog, but that is more complicated because we would have to record a video and upload it, so it would be a little bit tedious.

If we keep doing blogs, I would like to write emails, thinking on our profession, something like asking for an interview, asking for press accreditation for any event, things like that. 

3 comentarios:

  1. I'm completely agreed with you about having more pronunciation excersises! (actually we wrote something very similar hahaha. Check it out in my blog ;D hahaha)

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. I loved the video blog experience! It would be fun, at least one entry hahah
    See you!
