martes, 14 de junio de 2016

my favourites subjects of my career (journalism)

Regrettably the subjects of this semester are not my favourites. I would say that until now my favourite subject is workshop reporter, but it belongs to the second semester. I liked that subject because we had to do reporting in all the sessions, and write about that. The most interesting thing was that the professor choose the theme that we were going to report, sometimes this was good and bad at the same time, because some themes were harder to report than others, so it wasn’t fair.

In this semester my favourites subjects are "derecho a la información" and English. The first is about laws that we need to know to practice as journalists, as freedom of expression and opinion laws, press freedom and the practice of journalism. I think that this subject is very useful for us as journalists, and I like it because I’ve been interested on the law career and those topics since i have 10 years old. It must be because almost everyone in my family are lawyers.

And last but not least is English. I like the idea of learn many languages as French, Portuguese, Turkish (because i love the TV series "Suleiman the Magnificent" and "Kosem") or Chinese, but my favourite language is English, because it reaches a lot of people, more than Spanish language (maybe I’m wrong). But my greatest fear in classes is speak, because I’m always thinking that I’m going to pronounce something wrong and that I’m going to sound like Sofia Vergara. 

1 comentario:

  1. I knew it! I remember that you had written that you also liked the law career, so I thought you'd like Right to Information! hahaha and the Sofia Vergara thing lol same here! hahaha
