martes, 21 de junio de 2016

reflections about the strike

Write about the strike is very hard for me, mainly because in my school no one spoke me about these issues. We were worried about the heating of classrooms, improve the quality of the toilet paper or the place of our study tour, and that seemed very important for me at the moment. (that’s embarrassing now that I think about it)

When I entering this university I felt ignorant on the subject of student demands, I didn’t knew the reasons for the strikes and even I was very angry for the fact of not having classes. In fact, the last year I was consulting at the pontifical catholic university the procedures that needed to do to change my university. (at the end I didn’t do that because that week we returned to classes)

The only thing that I know, is that students are fighting to get a free and a good quality education, which the president promised and still doesn’t.

My reflection from the strike is that I should get more involved, because it is something that concerns all of us, as students and citizens. Painfully the participation on the strike is too low actually, and it makes me feel guilty … 

3 comentarios:

  1. Well, is a fact that the participation in the strike's activities is very low. That makes me wonder a lot of things about the student movement and the thought of the people of our country.

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. Coherence is affected due to mistakes in lexical choice and grammar. Check the use of gerunds. Cohesion might be improved by the use od transition devices. 5,0
    Late uploading
