martes, 26 de abril de 2016

The Love of my life

Since 2010 i have been miley´s mother. That year i wanted to adopted a male cat, and my uncle has a lot of baby cats to give in adoption, so i went to his house to choose a male White-haired cat with a yellow tail. After electing him i had to wait for two days to prepare my house for his arrival, i bought  a scratching claws, a sandpit and a pet bed.

The day when my uncle brought me the cat, i realized that it was not the same cat that i choose, this one was a female cat with the same appearance, anyway i keep it. I called her miley as the Singer.
Miley is very important, she is with me all day, when i am studying, cooking, taking a shower, even we sleep together, but i think that the cutest thing that she do is that when i’m sad or sick she gets more loving than usual, is like she’s taking care of me.

I love her because she is like that, because she is lovely and elusive at the same time, because she gets crazy when i get home, and many other things that i can’t express in less that two hundred words.

lunes, 25 de abril de 2016

My favorite thing

My favorite piece is my “lady di” ring. It is not exactly the same that Princess Diana had. This one was made with yellow gold with a violet sapphire in the center lined with eight small diamonds.

When I graduated from high school, my mom gave me this ring. It is like a tradition, because my grandmother gift this ring to my mom when she graduated.

I don’t use it very often; I think is dangerous to use it to walk on the street (and also my mom won’t let me use it), because in my opinion is very showy, and a thief can steal it, so I only use it for special occasions like marriages, christenings or for the Christmas dinner and New Year.

I love this ring because belonged to my mother, now belongs to me, it will belong to my daughter, and it will transfer from generation to generation.

I hope not to lose this ring as I lose all my jewelry, because if that happens the tradition is not going to keep on the time. 

original lady di ring

my ring

martes, 12 de abril de 2016

The career that i choose

in the course of my life, I have been interested in a lot of careers from almost all the disciplines, as medicine, literature, psychiatry, gastronomy, even I wanted to be a police.

When I had applied to the university, I wanted to study three careers besides journalism. They were public administration, psychology and law. The decision was too difficult for me, because when the application result came out, I had been selected for psychology and journalism at the same time.

After two days of reflecting about my future, I decided to choose journalism because it is a career that I like, it is interesting and fun. Until now I think that my choice was right, and in the future I would like to dedicate myself to do radio programs, tv shows or write about cultural topics. 

miércoles, 6 de abril de 2016

My biography

A brief resume of my life

I was born in April of 1997 at the city of Santiago. When I was two years old my mother got pregnant of my brother, Hernan. One year later my parents got divorced.

I studied at Lucila Godoy Alcayaga School, in San Bernardo. After primary school, I studied at antil Mawida School until I finish my senior year. Actually I’m living with my mother, my Little brother and my grandmother.

I love sing, dance, to cook (only vegetarian food) and play guitar. I think that it’s probably because my dad is singer, but not professional, and my mom won a regional championship of cueca when she was young.

my boyfriend on the right, and me on left

I have been studying journalism since 2015 on the Universidad de Chile. I never thought that was going to study this career, because I’ve always wanted to be a lawyer, as my dad, my mom, and my uncle. But when I saw the study program of journalism I decided to study that, because it seems interesting and fun.

And here’s the most beautiful thing in the entire world, my kitty Miley.